Mission Pediatrics – Safety Seconds – College

Mission Pediatrics Doctors

Has your child just graduated high school or is looking to go to college? Change can be hard and very stressful.

  • Studying for SATs.
  • Taking College entrance exams.
  • Filling out applications.
  • Planning for financial aid.
  • Looking for a job.

The list goes on and on! Here are some tips to support your teen:

  • Medical Insurance: Before heading to school make sure they have medical coverage while they are away at school, sometimes this means you have to contact your insurance provider.
  • Check into the health care that they have on campus. Most schools have a school health program that offers preventive services and can treat minor illnesses.
  • Vaccines: Schedule a physical with their doctor before they leave for school to make sure they are up to date on vaccines. College kids will usually need to get vaccines to prevent illnesses common in this age group.
  • Mental Health: Has your child been to counseling or requires mental health services? Make sure to investigate this several months before your child leaves for school so they have the support they need during these big changes.
  • Student Services: If your child has ADD, ADHD or gets extended test time on exams, be sure to contact disability services or student services. The same accommodations given during school should be available in college as well.
  • Communication: Once your child is away at school or working a new job, keep in contact with them. Change is hard. They may be missing their friends and their old routine. Encourage and support them!

Rules: Alcohol, drugs and sexual activity may be more accessible at this time as well. Make sure you set up clear expectations for your child. Know the laws and help your child make good decisions. Support is available, make sure they know where to go for help. Graduating high school and starting college or a new job is an exciting time. Help your child succeed and become a responsible adult.

Safety only takes seconds!